Is a real estate investment company created for the purpose of acquiring, managing, and developing a portfolio of real estate properties in the United States territory.
Our model focuses on investments in real estate opportunities that generates attractive returns with a moderate risk for our investors. Buying, enhancing, renting and holding real estate assets for a determined period of time is our portfolio managers investment strategy.
US Housing Reditus Fund will acquire land for multifamily development(new construction), further rental stabilization and sale and will also acquire income producing Multi-Family Properties (existing construction). Once acquired existing construction, additional cash will then be invested to upgrade properties.
An extensive repositioning plan will be prepared which calls for the improvement of community amenities, exterior enhancements and appropriate interior unit renovations. The proposed repositioning value-added plan is expected to improve the rents significantly. A higher-quality renter pool will likely be able to sustain greater increases in rent and will also likely take better care of the physical space they are renting.
US Housing Reditus Fund will purchase land for new construction of, Single Family and Multifamily projects strategically located in neighborhoods within US suburban and underdeveloped communities, where there is a current shortage of supply in this type of homes.
Once developed all properties will be insured, rented and managed by our expert property manager. We are targeting on holding assets for a period of 3 to 5 years.
is a joint venture of highly educated professionals with a long-term standard record in financial services. Reditus has a network of individual, institutional clients, and private fund managers to whom it renders portfolio management services. As portfolio co-manager, Reditus will be responsible for coordinating the risk committees of the fund.
is a real estate investment and development company based in Miami whose core business activities are land banking, development and asset adquisition.
Historically low sector volatility with attractive long-term risk adjusted returns
Asset Class that consistently outperforms other asset class.
Economically stable rent growth will support property price growth.
Niche sector that continuously attracts high levels of investment capital inflows.